Physics and chess tournament

8 december, 2016

On 20 December, 2016 the department of Thermal Physics and Technical Physics of Faculty of physics and technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University holds an annual Republican Olympiad on Physics and chess tournament dedicated to the memory associate professor Zh.O. Omirbekov.

The competition may participate students of 1st courses of Higher Education Institutions and pupils 11th classes of schools.

Registration of participants of the Olympiad before 18 December 2016. To participate in the Olympiad need to fill the completed form should be sent to: Almaty, Al-Farabi Avenue,71, Department of Thermal Physics and Technical Physics, faculty of physics and technology, 317 or 403 offices or by e-mail: .

Participants of Olympiad are required to carry student ID card. Winners will be awarded with cash and prizes.

Phone: +77053003110

Chairman: Askarova A.S., doctor, professor

Vice-Chairpersons: Bolegenova S.A, Manatbayev R.K, Shortanbayeva Z.K.

Organizing committee: Aytkozhaev A.Z, Toleuov G.K, Danlybayeva A.K, Issatayev M.S, Bolegenova S.A, Bekmuhamet A., Maxutkhanova A.M., Kalasov N.B., Seydolla Zh.,                  Ospanova Sh.S., Beketayeva M.T.