Social-educational event "Problems of environmental pollution and ways to solve them"
On March 10, 2020, the chair of International Relations and World Economy of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, under the leadership of the deputy head of the chair Baykushikova Gulnara Serikbayevna, organized an educational event on the theme "Problems of environmental pollution and ways to solve them."
The event was held in student house No.14 with the participation of master’s degree students of “International Relations” specialty. In event were all interested students and teachers. Information on the topic of the event was presented by undergraduates in the form of a presentation, showing a film about the ecological state of our planet. During the event, students vigorously discussed methods and solutions to environmental problems. As a result of the event, a high level of environmental awareness and social responsibility of students is noted. The main conclusion and message of the event was the expression - "Think globally, act locally".