"The best teacher of the university-2020".

3 february, 2021


The teaching staff and students of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University congratulate Academician of the NAS of the RK Amangeldy Bissenbaev with the award of the title "The best teacher of the university-2020".

According to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 150 people from 48 higher educational institutions of the country became holders of the title "The best teacher of the university – 2020, 18 of them are teachers of the al-Farabi Kazakh national university. The winners of the competition are given the opportunity to undertake internships at leading universities around the world to conduct research and development work and improve their qualifications. A total of 623 candidates from 73 higher education institutions participated in the competition.

Bissenbaev Amangeldy Kuanbaevich is a Doctor of Biological Sciences (2011), Professor (2016), Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2017). With more than 30 years of the scientific and pedagogical activity, Amangeldy Kuanbaevich has published over 150 peer-reviewed scientific papers in various domestic and foreign ranked journals included in the Web of Science and Scopus citation databases. According to Scopus and Web of Science scientometric databases, his H- index is 6. His research interests include cell signaling, regulation of gene expression, DNA repair enzymology, and genetic engineering in yeast.

A.K. Bissenbaev is the chair of the dissertation council on biological sciences at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, scientific editor of the scientific journal Vestnik KazNU. Series Biology. Holder of the title and state grant "The best teacher of the university" - 2006, Badge "Y. Altynsarin" for significant achievements in teaching and education of the younger generation - 2008 and the badge "For merits in the development of the science of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 2018.

The staff of the Department heartily congratulates professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bissenbaev Amangeldy Kuanbaevich with the next achievement in his productive research and teaching activities and wishes further successes, new professional achievements, interesting ideas, and further prosperity!


 Taipakova S.M.

the department molecular biology and genetics 

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