On February 23, 2021 within the framework of “100 books" project of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University the teacher of the Department of Russian Philology and World Literature E.E. Khairusheva organized the theatrical art evening. The event was held with the 2d year students from Turkmenistan, studying at the Faculty of Physics and Technology, specialty "Physics". 600 students from Turkmenistan arrived in 2019 to study at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
The program of the event included a visit to M. Lermontov National Academic Russian Drama Theater and viewing the play "About Mice and People" based on the play written by John Steinbeck.
Before visiting the theater, the active work had been carried out. The students prepared presentation about M. Lermontov Theatre. They also read the general information about the author and his play.The content of the performance and the problems raised in it have an educational value for young people, and students took an active part in its discussion.