“The World of English food”

7 march, 2021

On March 5, 2021 the senior teachers of the Department of Foreign Language of the Faculty of Philology and World Languages, Makhmetova D.M., Issabayeva B.K., Myrzakhmet M. held the event on the topic: “The World of English food” with the first year students of Physico-Technical Faculty and the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemistry Technology on Microsoft Teams Platform.

   The students prepared very interesting presentations on the given topic. Each student described one dish of English cuisine. The description included the dish history and the recipe.

   During the event the students made a comparative cooking analysis of two dishes: “Baursak”, Kazakh national dish, and “Doughnuts”, food popular in the United States. The event ended with the quiz on the topic: “What do I know about English food ?” on Kahoot platform.