Intelligent online lesson on the topic «Chemical kinetics»
The jury included: Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry, Catalysis and Petrochemistry Tusupbekova A.S. and PhD 3rd year doctoral student of the Department of Chemical Physics and Materials Science Taurbekov A.T. The online game consisted of 6 stages. Video questions were prepared in advance with the participation of the head. Department of Physical Chemistry, Catalysis and Petrochemistry Aubakirova E.A., PhD Bakirova B.S. and PhD 1st year doctoral student Nurtazina N. The jury summed up the results of the online game, the winner was the group «220 Volt». Students and teachers took part in the competition with great interest.
Ст.преподаватель Супиева Ж.А., к.х.н., доцент Тусупбекова А.С.