Modern Oil Refining

8 march, 2021

An invitation was sent out in advance in three languages.

The event began with a greeting from the organizers, followed by an introduction about modern oil refining in the form of a presentation, a performance with interesting presentation by Esmaeili Abdollah, questions from students and undergraduates to the PhD doctor and a conclusion. In the presentation, was raised issues such as: the first oil production in Kazakhstan, the oil refiring of Kazakhstan, current trends in oil refining, the future of oil, oil refineries, the industry of oil products, the importance of green chemistry nowadays, CO2 emissions, etc.

During the dialogue with PhD doctor Esmaeili Abdollah, was raised questions about green chemistry, about the highest quality oil in the world, about the utilization of carbon dioxide, the quality of plants and their number, etc..

The students received answers to the necessary questions for further education, directions in the specialties of petrochemistry, oil and gas business, chemical technologies of organic substances. The conversation was attended by students, undergraduates, teachers of the Department of "Physical Chemistry, Catalysis and Petrochemistry". The meeting with PhD doctor Esmaeili Abdollah was held at appropriate level.