International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Farabi alemi"

Higher School of Economics and Business of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University invites you to take part in the International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Farabi alemi", which will be held on April 6, 2021. Students, graduates, young scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries are invited to participate in the conference.
The topic of the conference on the direction of the Higher School of Economics and Business is "The economy of the post-pandemic world: the view of young researchers".
The conference will review the reports of the theoretical, experimental and applied research in various branches of science, particularly in economics. The languages of the conference – Kazakh, Russian and English.
Reports of the participants will be heard on April 6, 2021 during the sessions. The conference will be organized by the following sections:
- Socio-economic conversion and transformation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the post-pandemic world
- Modern trends in business technologies in the post-pandemic period
- Realities and strategy for the development of financial mechanisms and accounting and analytical systems in the condition of a pandemic
- Management and state regulation of economic processes in post-pandemic conditions of Kazakhstan
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