Topical issues of education. Islamic Studies in Universities

Conference organizers: N.Zh. Baytenova - Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, professor of religious studies and cultural studies, candidate of philosophical sciences, Kazakhstan, Almaty. S. U. Abzhalov - Dean of the Humanities Faculty of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Akhmet Yassaui. Kazakhstan, Turkestan.
A.K. Duisenbaeva - Egyptian University of Islamic Culture named after Nur Mubarak, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Religious Studies, Associate Professor PhD. Kazakhstan, Almaty. T. U. Yuldashev is a doctoral student in Islamic studies, head of the educational department of the Islamic Institute of Imams. Kazakhstan, Almaty.
F.B. Kamalova - Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata, Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda. N. A. Orynbekov - Lecturer of the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, post-graduate student. Kazakhstan, Almaty. J. Humarkhan - Researcher at the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Al-Farabi Center. Kazakhstan, Almaty.
The purpose of the international conference: to discuss topical issues of teaching "Islamic studies" in universities.
During the conference N. Dzh. Baytenova - Professor of the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, Doctor of Economics. Kazakhstan, Almaty. "Training of specialists in Islamic studies in Kazakhstan"; Ali Rafet Ozkan - Kastamonu University, professor of theology, Ph.D. Turkey, Kastamonu. "The academic structure of the University of Kastamonu according to the Faculty of Theology" (the academic structure of the University of Kastamonu according to the Faculty of Theology); Yashar Aydinly - Uludag University, professor of the theological faculty, doctor of philosophical sciences. Turkey, Bursa. Academic Foundations of Theological Education in Turkey (Academic Foundations of Theological Education in Turkey); Madih Abdullah Abduljavad is a professor at Cairo University. Egypt, Cairo. Islamic Teachings: Present and Future; Z. M. Islomov - Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philology, Professor. Uzbekistan, Tashkent. "Reforms in Islamic education and research in the new Uzbekistan"; D. T. Kenzhetai - International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Akhmet Yassaui, director of the Yassaui Research Center, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Kazakhstan, Turkestan. "A critical approach to the preconditions and principles of the formation of Islamic sciences"; D. Maksudov - Director of the Imam Maturidi International Research Center, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Uzbekistan, Tashkent. "Study of the Quranic Sciences in Uzbekistan"; Dzh. S. Sandybaev - Egyptian University of Islamic Culture. Nur Mubaraka, Head of the Department of Academic Affairs, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor. Kazakhstan, Almaty. “The process of Islamic education at the University of Islamic Culture. Nur Mubarak in Egypt "; Z. Abdullaeva - International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Department of Religious Studies and Comparative Research of World Religions by UNESCO, Candidate of Theological Sciences. Uzbekistan, Tashkent. "Teaching Islamic Studies in Uzbekistan: Experience of the International Islamic Academy"; T. U. Yuldashev is a doctoral student in Islamic studies, head of the educational department of the Islamic Institute of Imams. Kazakhstan, Almaty. There have been reports of "an Islamic education system for imams in the current pandemic."
During the conference, the following issues were discussed:
- Features and experience of teaching Islamic studies abroad (in Turkey, Egypt, Uzbekistan);
- The role of Islamic scholars in maintaining national security and interreligious stability;
- The structure and essence of the BBB in Islamic studies;
- Study of various aspects of Islam, methodological issues of Islamic research and methods of interpretation of Islamic sources;
- Study of the Islamic cultural heritage, issues of religious relations (Islam), the relationship of Islam with modern and postmodern civilization;
- Specialist in Islamic studies in a digital society.
The conference was attended by professors and undergraduates of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies and the Research Center named after S. Al-Farabi, International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmed Yassaui, Faculty of Humanities, Egyptian Islamic University named after Nur Mubarak. Culture, representatives of the Department of Religious Studies, Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Kyzylorda University took part. Korkyt Ata.
The working languages of the conference were Kazakh, Russian, Uzbek, Arabic and Turkish.
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