Master's students undergo pedagogical practice

I am Aynur Askerova, 1st year master's student of the specialty Biotechnology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
Within the framework of the scientific and pedagogical practice of undergraduates with the supervisor of the Candidate of Biological Sciences, associate professor Narmuratova M. Kh. The topics of lectures and seminars were agreed upon, a list of topical issues for their in-depth study was compiled, and the dates of classes were approved.
Currently, lectures and seminars were held on the «Zoom» platform in the discipline «Biochemistry» -according to the distance learning program in groups 19-01K and 19-02K of the specialty Physical Culture and Sports. During the lecture, feedback was established with the students, as many questions related to the new topic were asked after the lecture, as well as answers during the cognitive discussion. After reading the material, the students were given a task for a seminar session and offered a list of additional literature.
After the lectures and seminars, a meeting with the supervisor was held. During the meeting, the results of the classes were discussed, suggestions were made for working with errors and conducting classes.