Paid internship (practice) at “Arman Develop” LLP Greenhouse

12 april, 2021

Dear students of the faculty and colleagues!


There is an opportunity for bachelors to take 3 courses of paid internship in a greenhouse near Talgar from June 1 to August 31, 2021. Salary is 80 thousand tenge.

The data obtained can form the basis of theses. Tentatively, the topic of graduation work is the selection of tomato for resistance to diseases and pests, obtaining their varieties resistant to viruses as a result of intercultivar breeding. The owner of the greenhouse “Arman Develop” LLP - Doctor of Science Soontaeg Lim.

A greenhouse can serve as a good base for scientific work in this area, interested undergraduates can also work, the main condition is that it will be necessary to work throughout the summer period, not only during practice, i.e. one month wo't be enough. Interested students and their supervisors will be asked for more detailed information and contacts the deputy Dean for research and development activity – Sadvakasova A.K.