National revival of the Kazakh people in the beginning of the XX century and the personality of A. Bukeikhanov

22 april, 2021

Methodological seminar dedicated to the 155th anniversary of the birth of a prominent social and political figure of the twentieth century, the leader of the Alash movement, a victim of Soviet political repression in 1937-1938, the scientist-encyclopedist Alikhan Nurmukhamedovich Bukeikhanov. In her speech, Acting Professor of the Department of World History, Historiography and Source Studies, Doctor of Historical Sciences G. S. Zhugenbayeva described in detail the main stages of the history of the Alash movement, the historical merit of A. Bukeikhanov as the leader of the national movement, his socio-political activities. The participants of this event, undergraduates, doctoral students and teachers exchanged views. Associate Professor of the Department G. E. Sabdenova, concluding the work of the seminar, described its scientific, cognitive and educational value.