Vaccination against COVID-19. International experience in the fight against COVID-19.

28 april, 2021

On April 15, a round table on the topic "Vaccination Against COVID-19" was held on the ZOOM platform of the Faculty of Medicine and Public Health Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The round table was attended by leading scientists, epidemiologists of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Opening the online meeting, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Zhanna Amantayevna Kalmatayeva thanked her colleagues for participating in this event and provided information about the university and the faculty.

Then the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the RSE on REM “National Center for Public Health” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, PhD Ainagul Kuatbayeva spoke in detail about the activities of the National Center of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Covid-19 Rapid Response Center.

Manar Smagul, Deputy Director for Operational Activities of the branch of the National Research Center of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, spoke about vaccination in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Noting that, in Kazakhstan, vaccination against Covid-19 started on February 1. For vaccination in the Republic of Kazakhstan against Covid-19, the Gum-Covid-vac ("Sputnik V") vaccine produced in Russia is used. Vaccination in Kazakhstan is voluntary. Vaccination is carried out in stages, taking into account the receipt of the vaccine. At the same time, first of all, vulnerable groups of the population who are at high risk of infection and spread of coronavirus infection are subject to vaccination, with further coverage of the remaining groups of the population subject to immunization. At the first stage, medical workers of infectious diseases hospitals, emergency medical services, emergency rooms, and employees of the sanitary and epidemiological service were vaccinated. It is planned to vaccinate 10 million people in Kazakhstan by the end of September this year.  

The Republic of Uzbekistan was represented by the chief immunologist of the Ministry of Healthcare of Uzbekistan Tursunova Dilorom Alimovna.  

According to Dilorom Alimovna, mass vaccination in Uzbekistan began on April 1. At the first stage, the population is vaccinated with the AstraZeneca and ZF-UZ-VAC 2001 vaccine. Initially, on the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) and with the study of the experience of other countries, according to the order of the Minister of Healthcare of Uzbekistan, the country's population was divided into categories according to the risk of infection. These categories include people with a very high risk of infection-people over 65 years of age, medical personnel, patients with chronic diseases who are under medical supervision. Vaccination is carried out in central multidisciplinary polyclinics, family polyclinics, family doctor's offices, and mobile groups. Vaccination is carried out by specially trained and certified vaccination specialists. In total, more than 4 million 112 thousand people are planned to be vaccinated in Uzbekistan at the first stage.

Summing up the results of the online meeting, the participants expressed their readiness to continue to cooperate on topical issues of the fight against COVID-19 and outlined several topics for joint research.

On the part of the Republic of Uzbekistan participated: Atabekov Nurmat Satiniyazovich Deputy Head of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tursunova Dilorom Alimovna - Chief Immunologist of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Musabaev Erkin Isakovich Director of the Institute of Virology of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Makhmudova Dilbar Inayatovna Professor of Tashkent Medical Academy, and professors and lecturers of Tashkent Medical Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

On the part of the Republic of Kazakhstan participated: Kalmatayeva Zhanna Amantayevna - Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Isayeva Raushan Binomovna - Professor, Director of the Higher School of Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Oshibayeva Ainash Essimbekovna - PhD, Director of the Higher School of Public Health of the Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Nusupbaeva Gaukhar Esbolatkyzy - Acting Director of the branch "Scientific and Practical Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Expertise and Monitoring" of the RSE on the REM "National Center for Public Health" of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, virologist, Smagul Manar Asyrovna-Deputy Director for Operational Activities of the branch "Scientific and Practical Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Expertise and Monitoring" of the RSE on the REM "National Center for Public Health" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as lecturers and specialists of these institutions and organizations.

The full record of meetings with representatives of the Ministries of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Uzbekistan is saved on

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