Results of the rating of educational programs of the Department of International Relations and World EconomyFarabi University

Results of the rating of educational programs of the Department of International Relations and World Economy

14 june, 2021

The results of the annual ranking of the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education NAOKO (IQAA-Ranking) have been published. This year, universities provided data on more than 300 educational programs for bachelor's and master's degrees. The total number of educational programs of universities that took part in the ranking of programs was about 1000.


We sincerely congratulate the Department of International Relations and World Economy whose educational programs have taken 1st places in the IQAA-Ranking.

Educational programs:

Bachelor's degree "6B01304 (5B020200) - International Relations" - 1st place

Master's program "7M03112 - International Relations" - 1st place

Bachelor's degree "6B03105 (5B050500) - Regional studies" 1st place

Master's program "7MO3114 (6M050500) - Regional Studies" - 1st place

Bachelor's degree "6B04104 - World Economy" - 1st place

Master's program "7M041 - World Economy" - 1st place


We express our gratitude to all teachers and staff of the department!