16 november, 2021

An international scientific-practical conference “Modern trends in religious studies. Challenges of post-habitual time: anthropological discourse "dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Orynbekov Mukhanmadiyar Serikbekovich and the International Day of Tolerance.

The Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan and the Akhmet Yasaui MKTU acted as co-organizers of the event. The conference was attended by well-known domestic and foreign teachers, relatives of the scientist and student youth.

At the beginning of the event, a welcome letter was read to the conference participants on behalf of the Chairman of the Board - Rector of KazNU Zhanseit Tuymebayev. In it, the head of the university noted that the work of Mukhanmadiyar Serikbekovich for the benefit of science is directly related to the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, and also highly appreciated the significant contribution of the scientist to the development of Kazakh philosophy and worldview.

On behalf of the family, the scientist's brother, deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bekbolat Orynbekov, expressed special gratitude to the organizers. In his speech, he briefly described the life and professional path of Mukhanmadiyar Serikbekovich, who, despite the difficulties of the Soviet era, demonstrated a vivid example of a striving for knowledge, science and tireless search. Confirmation of this is the monographs "Worldview of ancient Kazakhs", "Philosophical views of Abai", published in 1986 in Almaty, and this is a great contribution to science. At the end of his speech, the speaker wished success in the work of the conference, which sheds light on topical issues of preserving national values ​​and the dialogue of cultures.

Also, the report was made by the naib mufti of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan Kenzheali Myrzabaev, who dwelled on the activities of the muftiate in recent years and the religious relevance of the issues raised by the scientist.

During the plenary session, the forum participants - Head of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies of the Kalmyk State University (Russia) Valery Badmaev, professors of KazNU Murat Sabit and Nagima Baytenova, professor of ZhSU named after I. Zhansugurov Amanzhol Kasabekovich, dean of the theological faculty of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Ahmed Yasaui Kenzhetay Tursynbayuly and other specialists, friends, students of the scientist, shared their views and memories of moral and civic qualities, philosophical work of Muhanmadiyar Orynbekov.

The work of the conference continued with breakout sessions in the following areas: "Religion and religious studies in a secular state", "Post-normal period and differentiation of future prospects through the prism of religion", "Interfaith and intercultural dialogue in the modern world", "Culture of tolerance", "Anthropological discourse in time and space ”,“ The concept of a perfect person ”.

During the sessions, methodological and practical problems of religious studies, Islamic studies and education in the context of the global challenges of our time will be analyzed. It also examines the issues of state-confessional relations in Kazakhstan, modern trends in religious studies, the peculiarities of the post-normal period, the Kazakh model of intercultural and interfaith harmony, the formation of a culture of tolerance, intercultural communication and the role of human capital in the modern world.


Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU

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