Robotics is a priority area of technological breakthrough

28 january, 2022

The era of the fourth industrial revolution is a period of profound and rapid changes in the technological, economic and social spheres. Therefore, today's educational programs should be focused on the development of the ability to constantly adapt to change and acquire new knowledge. For this purpose, one of the new educational programs introduced by Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in the educational process is "Robotics Systems".

Robotics is one of the innovative digital technologies in the field of "Digitalization of industries" in accordance with the state program "Digital Kazakhstan" adopted in the country.

The specialty "Robotic Systems" is an interdisciplinary specialty in the field of mechanics, information systems and electronics. The educational program has an applied orientation and is aimed at the practical application of research in this area.

During the development of this program, which is taught at the Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, the best practices of foreign partners - Lawrence, Bridgeport (USA), Science and Technology (Poland), Berlin (Germany), Sorbonne (France) and others were studied. requests and opinions of employers. The curriculum also includes subjects in accordance with the international project APPLE, which is implemented under the European program ERASMUS + European Union.

As a result, students will be able to design robots and control them, as well as digital engineering, including geometric 3D modeling (CAD), automation of engineering calculations and analysis (CAE), production design and process design (CAM, CAPP), product data storage and Learn about control systems (PDM) and additive technology with 3D-printing and become a competitive specialist in the global technology market.

The training and research laboratory "Mechatronics and Robotics" of the department is equipped with modern devices, in particular, KazBot android robots, industrial robot UR-10, milling and laser machines, 3D-printer.

The students also visited the Hyundai Trans Kazakhstan plant for the production of domestic cars, AlmatyEnergoService LLP, experimental and production base located in the area of ​​the Damu industrial zone, the Institute of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering named after OA Zholdasbekov, Scientific Education "Digital Technologies and Robotics". - passes internships in the transmission center, design and engineering institutions, 3D-printing laboratories, educational robotics clubs.

Under the guidance of scientists, students of the program for the first time in Kazakhstan developed a humanoid robot "Farabi" and a social robot "Ai-Gerim" on the basis of the android robot InMoov. Ai-Gerim robot was awarded a diploma of the 3rd International Silk Road Robotics Innovation Competition. In addition, the team "TechnoRIM", consisting of students majoring in "Robotic Systems", this year took part in the II Republican University Championship ETU Robocon and won the third place.

Today, in addition to technological processes, automation and robotics have become a major trend. The country's economy is short of professionals with professional knowledge, skills and abilities in robotics. Therefore, graduates of this specialty are in great demand in all sectors of the economy. The specialists trained at KazNU will undoubtedly make a significant contribution to the development of robotics, educational robotics and engineering in the country and increase the level of digitalization in the country.


Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU

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