30 january, 2022



Brave, very brave! Journalist - well done! To ask out loud the questions that are being raised all over the country to the President is bold, while we would have perceived all the questions earlier as completely uncomfortable and in no case would have been asked, and the people would continue to think and thereby create a negative background, nurture anger and hatred.

Each question is to the point, and the answer is accurate and logical. There is no smell of populism, despite the fact that President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev often anticipates questions, which means that he monitors the mood of the population, monitors problems and wants to answer them.

We understood what information hunger is and how it affects the understanding of the situation.

We are slowly beginning to understand the position of state power in modern conditions, and to a greater extent this is the influence of the President's intention to inform society.

For me, as a lawyer, it is important that the Constitution, as the basic law, will not be amended. However, the changes that we all expect will require a serious revision of many regulations, a reformatting of a number of political and economic decisions, and the formation of new strategies. There will be changes, and this is felt in the mood that the Head of State seeks to convey to every person, demonstrating that he does not intend to change his decisions.

We are not used to dialogue, we are used to dictation. We still need time, we must understand and feel. And it is a pity that such a feeling is given to us through revolution, and not evolution.

We want more, we are waiting, while we understand that it is difficult to break such a system and even more difficult to build a new one, and as it was rightly noted in the speech, every Kazakhstani must remember his role in state building.

The events that have taken place have shown how united we are, how we care for each other and for the country. This is a national trait, and it will help us achieve the level that our land, Kazakhstan, deserves.


Doctor of Law, Head of Department

customs, financial and environmental law

KazNU named after Al-Farabi





Just yesterday, we witnessed an interview given by our President to the Khabar agency. Many caring people, I think, like me, expected to hear answers to questions that were still up in the air. Each of us will draw our own conclusions - whether he received the information that worried him or not. I will try to express my own opinion, which I have formed, comprehending the answers to numerous questions.

First of all, I will say that Kassym-Jomart Tokayev did not evade a single question. The President showed why he believes that everything that happened in the troubled days of the beginning of the year was nothing more than a carefully planned operation from abroad. As an example, the situation with the capture of Almaty airport for the delivery of terrorists and their subsequent evacuation was given. Evidence of this was the extremely high level of organization of the January riots in the city, the main purpose of which was to deprive the country of its statehood by seizing power, which is confirmed by the goals of terrorist attacks - these are the buildings of state authorities and strategic objects. Another component was that the targets of the attack were primarily the armed forces and law enforcement agencies.

It must be admitted that Kassym-Jomart Tokayev did not remove responsibility from the heads of law enforcement agencies, who in the early days were, according to him, in a state of confusion, without a clear plan of action and afraid to take responsibility for counteracting gangster groups under narcotic drugs. impact. The President stated that, first of all, the country's leadership lost in terms of information, since there was no single algorithm of actions in the current situation.

It was this circumstance that forced the President to take full responsibility and switch to "manual" management in order to normalize the situation as a whole. Hence the introduction of a state of emergency in the country and the appeal to the CSTO, and the order to shoot and kill precisely at bandit formations. The President clearly divided the interests of the protesting people and the terrorists, drawing attention to the fact that the Prosecutor General's Office took the protection of the interests and rights of the protesters under strict control and did not disregard their violation by law enforcement agencies. Moreover, he welcomed the manifestation of the people's initiative in this direction.

An important point was the answer that there were no agreements with the First President N. Nazarbayev, the conversation only took place in relation to taking the Security Council under personal control of Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev to repulse the bandit formations.

Answering a question about the critical reaction of the West to his actions, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said that he, as a diplomat, knew about the possibility of such a reaction, but the interests of the people and the state in this case were above all for him.

Among many other issues, the issue of renaming Almaty became clear, it was said that this was the official name of the city, but in an informal setting it is permissible to use the former name - Alma-Ata. As for the fate of the akim of the southern capital B. Sagintayev, the Head of State said that he was in a difficult situation at that moment, but made it clear that the opinion of the city's residents would most likely be taken into account in the future.

It is important for me that in an extensive interview, the amount that large capital would contribute to the People of Kazakhstan fund was announced - this is 3% of taxable income. In addition, answers were given about relations with the United States, Russia and China; no changes are expected here. Nevertheless, it was mentioned about the upcoming visit of the President of the country to the Russian Federation for negotiations on further cooperation. Answering a question about the reaction of the European Parliament, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev made it clear that he is accountable to the people of Kazakhstan and will proceed primarily from the interests of the state, which are above all.

Speaking about political reforms, the President emphasized the important idea that the economy and politics should develop simultaneously, recalling K. Marx's approach to the base and superstructure. However, at the same time, he noted that he is against “cutting down” personnel on the move, drawing attention to the fact that the personnel bench is short, so there is a need to nurture new political figures. Political reform must be carried out thoughtfully, without any leaps. Particular attention was paid to the need to reform the judiciary, here the Supreme Judicial Council should have its say.

And finally, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev stressed that a cult of personality on his part can not be expected and he does not intend to lead the country for more than two terms.

Based on the nature of these responses, we cannot say that we received all the information that we expected. But at least we have been given to understand that the work to build a new Kazakhstan is underway and will be an indispensable condition for the activities of the current government in the future.


Karimzhan SHAKIROV,

Doctor of Law, Professor

Department of International Law,

honorary academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan






The interview of the Head of State to the Khabar and Khabar 24 TV channels dated January 29, 2022 revealed unknown details of the January events in Almaty, when the fate of the state was being decided and even had to resort to “manual” control. President K. Tokayev gave accurate estimates of information support; state of response in the national security system; the behavior of media people; prospects for reforming the judicial system. Indeed, the links of the state system have failed, and efforts must be directed to eliminating the causes.

The community will be interested in the opinion of experts and the first empirical findings based on the visualization and podcasts of the upcoming party and political reforms in general, which we may witness. In the theoretical comments after the Extraordinary 21st Congress, various hypotheses are traditionally worked out, linking the change in the leadership of the party and its core with both internal and external factors.

Concrete actions are expected from everyone today: how to increase the social subsistence minimum through deductions from the "labor income" of the oligarchs? How to quickly help sick children? Manna from heaven is not to be expected. As concomitants of the ruling party congress, it would be logical to assume that parallel changes will occur in other political parties in Kazakhstan.

The official data available in the media, generously provided with comments of a critical nature on social networks, only confirms that the perturbations in the party Olympus "Nur Otan" are not yet enough to explain the declarative statements of the party to change, and that the new leaders and / or dominant members of the Political Council are really capable of change the situation in the country. Today, almost 55% reshuffling of members of the Nur Otan political movement is noticeable, an increase in gender representation (female persons) and practitioners from agrarian formations, as well as the banking sector, is obvious in the new composition of the Political Council. The selection of personnel did not particularly impress the Kazakhstani electorate, due to somewhat inflated expectations from the XXI Congress.

All this suggests that the growing area of ​​theoretical and empirical work on future reforms of the party in power should focus on the internal mechanisms of decision making. The words of President K. Tokayev, the newly elected Chairman of Nur Otan, sound all the more weighty - about his temporary tenure as leader, which may be dictated by the etiquette of the institutional precedent, as the President put it, "equidistance".

Each of Tokayev's latest speeches - at meetings with businessmen, summits, interviews - are favorably distinguished by confidence in the correctness of the chosen course for transformation. Weighted. Responsibly. Human.



Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor of KazNU named after al-Farabi





We are eyewitnesses of changes that are swift in nature, large-scale in scope and unexpected in a frank assessment of the political and socio-economic situation in the country.

Yesterday, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, in an interview with the Khabar agency, presented new facts about the tragic January events in our country. A frank dialogue about the difficulties of today, about the strong will and determination to implement a systemic reboot of both political governance and the entire economic base of our society.

In the flow of information about the tragic events of January, in an attempt to understand and evaluate what happened, one thing is obvious - the society has “matured up”. Despite the fact that social networks continue to spread information that focuses on negative situations that put emotional pressure on the population, on the natural feelings of a reasonable person as pity and compassion, society is seriously worried about its future, about the country, about the possibilities of a civilized solution to emerging problems. . The January events, in fact, were the bottom of the systemic crisis, the point of bifurcation of the political, economic and social state of the system, when the question arose about its future, about the national security of the country, about the need for a new qualitative state of it. The main message of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in an interview with Khabar TV channel is trust. First of all, to tell you about the real situation in the country and, first of all, about the many questions about the causes and participants in the tragic events of January. This is an open dialogue with society, a frank conversation about the tragedy, about the coup attempt, about international terrorism, about bandits, looters and about general systemic problems in politics and the economy.

Therefore, political will, transparency of decisions, legality at all levels of state power and trust in the authorities are necessary.



Candidate of Political Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department

political science and political technologies KazNU named after Al-Farabi





The exclusive interview of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev to the Khabar agency was viewed with great pleasure, hope and getting answers about what will happen next and how.

Clearly, clearly, frankly, he spoke about the tragic events of January, answered a variety of questions that were understandable to everyone.

Yes, there was a question of seizing power, and we know how events developed. The President said that the investigation would show how it all happened, but now it is already clear that Alsati was attacked in waves from three sides. And when they say now that all of a sudden they have become bystanders, this cannot be.

He responded to the surprise of some 20,000 people, to the criticism from the West of the firing order, to the questions that were accepted by the Kazakhs, but out there, far from us, some are raising these questions again and again.

A clear answer was given to the presence of the CSTO, since this issue was perceived differently in social networks.

He openly named the mistakes, causes and consequences of the tragedy, especially noting the informational component.

The President is sure that it is necessary to know and understand the historical role of the First President, which he spoke about on January 28. The conversation was also about the role of the intelligentsia.

Almost the entire range of issues of concern to Kazakhstanis was covered.

Sharp and even somewhat uncomfortable questions that touched all the strings of our current January life and the future of the country were asked by journalist Vera Zakharchuk. I was surprised and amazed by the meaningful and detailed answers of the President in their frankness, depth of thinking, his principled position, including his support for human rights activists who independently joined in the search for truth.

Every January day the President was with us, we saw and heard him. He promptly resolved issues, made responsible decisions for the country and for each of us. And this is his duty as the leader of our country elected by the people. And our task is to support the President and actively participate in reforms for the benefit and prosperity of Kazakhstan


Professor of KazNU named after Al-Farabi




In his exclusive interview on January 29, the President of the country, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, gave an extended explanation of the January events and the upcoming parliamentary reforms.

As previously announced by the Head of State, one of the main reasons for the emergence of socio-economic requirements is a very high level of social differentiation in society, which is facilitated by income stratification and rising inflation.

Sleeping cells of terrorists and militants took advantage of this social background. The second reason for the tense social background is a very small percentage of the middle class in Kazakhstan, which is interested in stability and maintaining their social positions.

To date, the Kazakh social structure of society is the result of an economic policy that requires a deep transformation, effective structural reforms - an increase in the income of the population, a decrease in inflation, and an improvement in the mechanisms of interaction between the state and society.

The package of social and economic reforms that will be proposed by the President in September can serve as a key factor in solving these problems. This package will include mechanisms for creating conditions for supporting and developing small and medium-sized businesses, which is the main condition for the formation and development of the Kazakhstani middle class, as one of the factors in the social stability of society.



deputy head of department for scientific and innovative work and international relations,

Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Social Work




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