online course of oriental languages

25 february, 2022
The traditional free online course of Oriental languages ​​for schoolchildren in Kazakhstan has already started at the Faculty of Oriental Studies. Y.M. Paltore initiated the online course of Oriental languages. The purpose of the course is to introduce the students of our country to the eastern languages, the eastern countries. Schoolchildren have the opportunity to study Japanese, Korean, Turkish, and Arabic languages ​​once a week free, online, which are taught at the Faculty of Oriental Studies. 
By the number of schoolchildren who signed up for courses, we see a huge interest in eastern countries. For example, about 200 people signed up for Japanese and Korean. On the course, languages ​​are studied from the initial level; students are acquainted with the alphabet, the initial level of grammar, vocabulary. Learn to talk about yourself, about your family in the target language.
Teachers of the Department of the Far East, invited professor Ninomiya Takashi and Japanese teacher Tazabekova G.B. teach children to write, read and speak Japanese, as well as introduce the culture of this wonderful country. Professor Lee Beng Jo and teacher Begaliyeva M.B. became guides to the world of the Korean language, history and culture of South Korea.
In the era of globalization, transformation, knowledge of foreign languages ​​is power. Knowledge of foreign languages, knowledge of the languages ​​of developed countries provide great opportunities for young people. It is a great joy to see a large number of young people who are striving for new knowledge, and to be a part of this.

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