In the field research work on the scientific project "ethnographic and geoarchaeological study of agricultural and livestock landscapes of the desert Atyrau of Kazakhstan: historical causes of development and abandonment" under the leadership of candidate of historical sciences, professor

29 april, 2022

According to the scientific project "AP08856696 - ethnographic and geoarchaeological study of agricultural and livestock landscapes of the desert Atyrau of Kazakhstan: historical causes of development and abandonment", a comprehensive ethnographic and geoarcheological study was conducted in 2021 in the following areas: the Valley Of The Shu River, Moyinkum Sands, settlements, settlements of Akkainar, Matybulak, Borisholak, Kapshagai, desert, semi-desert regions of the Ili. In the settlements of akkainar, Matybulak, Borisholak, indigenous settlements, indigenous livestock villages, ancient cattle villages, the impact of drought, the management of livestock, and the use of natural water sources were studied.