3 may, 2022

The Department of Information Systems of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has started training specialists in the innovative educational program "Information Security Audit" since this academic year.

The widespread use of computing systems for storing, processing and transmitting information makes the problems of their protection urgent, especially given the global trend towards an increase in the number of information threats leading to significant financial and material losses. For effective protection against attacks and various threats, an objective assessment of the security level of computing systems and the information circulating in it is necessary - it is for these purposes that an information security audit is used.

Information security audit is a systematic process of obtaining objective qualitative and quantitative assessments of the current state of information security of a computer system in accordance with certain criteria and security indicators.

There is another, more significant reason for conducting an audit, which is that with the modernization and introduction of new technologies, their potential is not fully realized. IS audit allows you to maximize the return on funds invested in the creation and maintenance of IS.

The purpose of training undergraduates in the educational program «7M06302-Information Security Audit» is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of information security with knowledge and competencies to conduct a security audit: to obtain objective evidence and risk analysis related to the possibility of security threats against IS resources; to assess the current level of IS security and localization of vulnerabilities in the IS protection system, as well as to assess the compliance of IS with existing standards in the field of information security, to develop recommendations for the introduction of new and improving the effectiveness of existing IS security mechanisms.

Master of Technical Sciences in the educational program «7M06302 - Information Security Audit» can work as:

  • ·        
  • ·         security system developer or programmer information security auditor
  • ·         Computer Crime Investigator
  • ·         Cybersecurity Analyst
  • ·         Risk/Vulnerability Analyst
  • ·         Cybersecurity Analyst

Master student have the opportunity to study for 1 or more semesters in international exchange programs at the best universities in Europe.

Foreign partners of the department:

  • ·       Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
  • ·       University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
  • ·       University of Stuttgart, Germany
  • ·       Lublin Polytechnic University, Poland
  • ·       Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland
  • ·       University of Porto, Portugal
  • ·       Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
  • ·       Saint Petersburg State Technical University, Russia

The innovative EP «Information Security Audit» is based on the leading program of the Information Security System, which constantly occupies one of the leading places in Kazakhsta's international rankings.