Bachelor in information and communication technology under the educational program "6В06106 - Highly loaded information systems with artificial intelligence"

3 may, 2022

Highly loaded information systems with artificial intelligence are systems in which high-speed processing of a huge array of current or available information with elements of artificial intelligence is carried out, which allows, in the course of data processing, to make decisions about the direction and rules of processing. Such systems are currently being intensively developed: the first results were obtained in 2008, when computing devices (computers, tablets, smartphones, etc.) began to have processors with many cores, which allow many computational works to be performed in parallel and without blocking. Examples where such processes occur are the Internet of Things, i.e. online stores, chat bots (robots that visit various sites and collect various data), web conferences and webinars (conferences where they make presentations of new products, training seminars), analysis of exchange and financial activities, all these are examples of information systems that are under high load and need to make quick decisions to optimize their business decisions. Specialists who have mastered the technologies for designing and operating such systems are currently in great demand in the labor market, they are highly paid workers. As a rule, they work in analytics departments, server administrators who are under high load, system programmers, network administrators.


The implementation of the educational program is aimed at shaping the personality of a specialist capable of:

  • ·      design systems for managing financial flows of the competitive environment of market relations of enterprises based on models and algorithms of the stock market of securities of highly loaded technologies with artificial intelligence and highly loaded interactive applications;
  • ·      to develop architecture and design based on the patterns of a modern object-oriented language for analyzing and designing the subject area of ​​a highly loaded application on a reactive competitive programming platform;
  • ·     


Students receive high analytical training in the field of Data Science, get acquainted with models, neural network tools, web programming technologies based on .NET Core 3.0, get acquainted with modern methods for developing high-load applications, generative streaming systems of artificial intelligence, distributed non-relational databases, high-performance information systems on the Akka platform. Graduates of this profile are prepared to work in information and analytical centers, in centers for automatic processing of massive data, enterprises in the Internet industry and the IT sector.