4 may, 2022

Invitation to participate in the competitive selection of projects participating in the smart projects exchange
II Interregional Specialized Forum SMART INDUSTRY EXPO (SIEx 2021) ( ) conducts an EXCHANGE OF SMART PROJECTS ( ) and announces a competitive selection of technological projects in the field of SMART INDUSTRY & SMART CITY
Startups and projects of enterprises, SMEs in the field of Smart Industry or Smart City at the stage not lower than MVP are invited to participate in the competition. Projects should develop their products or solutions using digital technologies for use in one of the following sectors or directions: mechanical engineering, smart city, energy, chemistry and oil and gas industry, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, food, logistics, banking sector for industry.
The winners of the competitive selection will become participants of the SMART PROJECTS EXCHANGE, which will be held within the framework of the SMART INDUSTRY EXPO forum (SIEx 2021) on November 12, 2021 in the Great Stone Industrial Park (Belarus).Participants of the SMART PROJECT EXCHANGE will have the opportunity to• present your project to international investors, including venture, angel, private, corporate investors, state, interstate and private funds, cluster organizations and banks.• find expert and technological support among the partners of the exchange for further pumping of your project• test the demand for your product and customer acquisition channels by placing an online stand on the Smart Industry Expo 2021 platform• increase visibility by participating in a major Forum and posting information about yourself on social networks and media resources of the organizers• become the best project of the exchange according to the estimates of its partners and organizers and receive valuable prizes from the organizers of the exchange and the right to participate free of charge in the exhibition and business program SIEx 2022.
To participate in the competition, it is necessary to: familiarize yourself with the Regulations on the holding of the smart projects exchange ( ), submit an application for the competition before 30.09. 2021 online at the link: will tell you more about the smart projects exchange, the conditions of participation in the competition and the competitive selection on September 17 at 12:00 at the online meetup "SIEx2021. Smart Projects Exchange"Pre-registration for online meetup.