1st international scientific conference on the topic "Modifiable risk factors / lifestyle changes"

8 may, 2022

On April 30, the 1st international scientific conference on the topic "Modifiable risk factors / lifestyle changes" took place. The founder of the conference was the international student organization Quasar of the Higher School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health.


The conference was attended by students of the 2nd and 3rd courses of the foreign department of the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov (KazNMU) and the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi (KazNU).


The importance of the event was indicated by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Higher School of Medicine Issayeva Raushan Binomovna, who spoke with welcoming and inspiring words at the opening ceremony, and Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Judge of the conference Iskakova Farida Arkenovna, as well as other honored guests.


The conference program included a number of reports on topical issues of modifiable risk factors/lifestyle changes.


The main objectives of this conference were:

1. Promote teamwork

2. Providing motivation

3. Strategic approach (critical thinking)

4. Achieve desired results through research


Also, within the framework of the conference, the work of the participants was focused according to the following priority:

Each team consisted of 6-12 students who were assigned a leader (teacher), who was the coordinator of the group.


Today, in the global medical space, a number of common organizational, content, value orientations and innovations are found, and at the same time, common problems that set trends in the development of factors and risks of lifestyle changes. Based on this, the topic of the conference included in its field of interest a large number of students who made relevant and interesting reports. Thus, the work of each team consisted of the following stages:

1. Overview

Questioning the patient (symptoms), medical history, risk factors, physical examination (signs, abnormalities), laboratory tests and instrumental method

2. Problem analysis

Analysis of the situation, formulation of clinical questions

3. Data analysis

Publication Search

4. Solution development

Using the CASP critical appraisal tool to find a truly appropriate treatment, diagnostic test, prediction and risk factors that the patient needs to solve the problem

5. Recommendations and hypothetical reviews of success

Give a recommendation for solving the patient's problem or problem based on the relevant literature, find out the percentage of success of the solution.


The conference continued with speeches by a number of students. The participants discussed the state and features of the formation of global risks, the methodology of research on lifestyle changes. Special attention was paid to the problem of the formation of an increase in risks of a man-made and environmental nature and the complication of the social structure of the way of life.


During the meeting, the teams discussed the relevance of the topic and concluded that they would continue to work on solving problems in this direction. Thus, the conference achieved its goals.


The main winners were the team "Pedia Rangers" (KazNU) and the honorable 2nd and 3rd places were taken by the teams "LMF 1O1" (KazNU) and "Circle Panacea" (KazNMU). The event ended with the presentation of certificates by the chief judge of the conference, Professor Iskakova Farida Arkenovna!


The leadership of the Higher School of Medicine expresses special gratitude to the international student organization, which has made an important contribution to the development of young scientists with its participation, and wishes all the participants of the conference further creative success.



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