International scientific-practical conference, devoted to the 125 anniversary of M.O. Auezov

17 september, 2022

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Faculty of Philology

Department of Kazakh Literature and Theory of Literature




Dear colleagues!


Department of Kazakh Literature and Theory of Literature of Philology Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University invites you to take part in the International scientific-practical conference, devoted to the 125 anniversary of classics of Kazakh literature, outstanding scientist, academician M.O. Auezov, «Mukhtar Auezov and World Literature», which takes place September, 29, 2022.

For participation in conference scientific employees, teachers, young scientists of high schools are invited.


During of the Conference 5 sections are planned:

1. M. Auezov’s work in the context of world literature;

2. M. Auezov and tendencies of the development of domestic literary study;

3. M. Auezov and Abai studies;

4. New paradigms of research and teaching of Kazakh literature;

5. Kazakh literature in the context of intercultural communication


Materials for publication are accepted in Kazakh, Russian, English.


Requirements for the presentation of the report:

The volume of reports should not exceed 5-6 pages; line spacing – 1 (single); the text should be typed in Word format; Tіmes New Roman, size 14; fields: upper – 2 cm, lower - 2 cm, right - 2 cm, left – 2 cm. In the right upper part of the sheet the author's surname and initials, work place, academic degree and title are printed. In the middle of the sheet is the name of the abstract or report. Footnotes are given at the end of the text in the order in which they are cited. Reports should be submitted in electronic version with the application of one copy of the printed text. Following the results of the conference a collection of materials will be published.

The arrangement fee is 3000 tenge.


All expenses related to the arrival and stay in Almaty, at the expense of the participants.


For participation in conference it is necessary to submit applications and reports not later on September, 20, 2022. 


The application form for participation in conference should include:

First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name

Scientific degree

Academic status

The work and position

The name of the report

The address, phone, e-maіl


Application forms for participation and materials direct to the address of: 050040, of Almaty, Al-Farabi avenue, 71, Al-Fafabi Kazakh National University, Department of Kazakh Literature and Theory of Literature.

Phone: 7(708) 601 21 75,  e-mail: