30 september, 2022

Ismail Boztosun, Director of the TENMAK Turkish Energy, Nuclear and Mineral Research Agency under the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Turkey, delivered a leadership lecture on "TENMAK Research and Development: from Detectors to Nuclear Medicine" at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The event was attended by member of the Board – Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Activities of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Haidar Tasybekov, faculty members and students.

Dr. Boztosun is the founder of the Center for Nuclear Research and Applications in Turkey. He has published over 100 international SCI articles with a 28 H-index of over 2,000 citations. Moreover, he is also a member of the Turkish Physical Society. Dr. Boztosun is the coordinator of accelerator and radiating technologies and a member of the Physics Faculty of Akdeniz University.

"Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is one of the most prestigious educational institutions in Central Asia. Many of our scientists from the Turkic background, served the interests of humanity. And such events are of great importance for the development of education and science. This is a significant event within the framework of strengthening integration ties in the field of nuclear physics and nuclear medicine, increasing cooperation between the two countries and training highly qualified specialists of a new formation. We are always ready to share our experience with the youth who eagers to study. In this regard, the opportunity to study in Turkey under such programs as "Türkiye bursları", "Mevlana", "El-Farabi", etc. is provided for inquisitive youth," - the professor emphasized.

Dr. Ismail Boztosun shared his vision of the role of global science development and familiarized with the work of the TENMAK. Further, the lecturer elaborated on the most significant stages of the development of nuclear medicine and energy in Turkey. Then he gave a detailed overview of research and theoretical developments related to the main achievements of the TENMAK project.


Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University