The topic of the open lesson is "The scientific path of Mukhitdinov Nazhmitdin Baukeevich".

4 october, 2022


On October 3, 2022, at 12:00, an open lesson was held in honor of the Doctor of Law, the famous scientist Mukhitdinov Najmitdin Baukeevich in the 302 auditorium in the 301 group. The topic of the open lesson is "The scientific path of Mukhitdinov Nazhmitdin Baukeevich". At the open lesson, the scientific works of the scientist Mukhitdinov N.B., born on May 9, 1940, were studied, and analyzed by students the life path of the scientist in the field of science.

N. B. Mukhitdinov - a scientist who left a big mark in the Kazakh legal science. N.B. Mukhitdinov is the founder of the science of investment and financial law of Kazakhstan.

Organizers: teachers of the Department of Customs, Financial and Environmental Law senior lecturer G. K. Shulanbekova, Doctor of Law, G. A. Kuanalieva.