The roundtable "The role of the CICA in modern international relations"

4 october, 2022

The Faculty of International relations, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan holds the roundtable "The role of the CICA in modern international relations".

In the light of Kazakhsta's chairmanship in the CICA, topical question is transformation of the Conference into a regional organization and the expert support of the CICA activities, strengthening the capacity of the CICA analytical centers by transforming them into a permanent dialogue platform is considered an urgent area of interaction between the participating countries.

The round table’s goal is exchange of expert opinions on current issues of CICA’s work and directions of Kazakhstan’s cooperation with this forum as its initiator.

Key problems for discussion at the round table:

  • problems and perspectives of developing the system of confidence-building measures in Asia in the context of erosion of security mechanisms, sanctions and trade wars;
  • facilitation of constructive negotiations on disputable questions and early settlement of contradictions;
  • need for development of joint systemic approaches towards combating terrorism and threat prevention mechanisms in CICA territory;
  • opportunities to develop additional incentives to give impetus to the economic growth of CICA member-states;    
  • issues of improving International Law in the context of new threats and risks.     

The round table will gather representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, international and Kazakhstani scholars, members of the academic and expert community.

We kindly invite you to take part in the event. Please confirm participation by sending the title of the report no later than September 27.

Official languages: Kazakh, Russian.

Venue: Almaty, Karasai Batyr str., 95, Faculty of International Relations, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. R.E. Elemesov Hall (auditorium328). 

Date & Time: October 5, 2022; 10.00 a.m.

Contact person: Coordinator of the round table Yermekbayev Adilbek Alpysbayevich, phone no. +7 (700) 771-52-17
