TransLogistica Kazakhstan 2022

22 september, 2022


On September 22, 2022, students of the Department of "Business Technologies" took part in the 25th Kazakhstan International Exhibition TransLogistica Kazakhstan 2022 "Transport and logistics". At the exhibition, students got acquainted with interesting information about their future profession.

The exhibition "Translogistica Kazakhstan"as organized with the support of the Ministry of investment and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, JSC "NC" Kazakhstan Temir Zholy", the Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan" KAZLOGISTICS", the Association of car carriers and operators of Kazakhstan and the National Association of freight forwarders.

TransLogistica Kazakhstan is the largest exhibition of transport and logistics services and technologies in Central Asia, occupying the second place after TransRussia in the CIS countries and the Baltic states.



Абдикул Ш.Н., аға оқытушы