III Eurasian Youth Project School on the topic: "The space of the world economy: ideas, strategies, interaction"

21 november, 2022

The Department of Business Technologies HSEB al-Farabi KazNU informs about the start of the III Eurasian Youth Project School on the topic: "The space of the world economy: ideas, strategies, interaction" in the period from November 23 – 30, 2022.

The organizers of this School are such countries as: Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Within the framework of the school, students will receive practical knowledge and skills in organizing and conducting foreign economic activity from leading specialists, representatives of Russian and foreign companies, state authorities, and international organizations.

The format of the school: mixed (offline and online), masters and bachelors of the 4th year can take part.

The organizers of this Schoolc.e.s., associate professor (docent), the head of Department of « Business technologies» al-Farabi Kazakh national university Akhmetova Z.B., senior lecturer ShurenovN.B.