Debate on the topic: "Decent work and economic growth"

25 february, 2023

On February 25, 2023, within the framework of the sustainable development program, the 1st year students of the Higher School of Economics and Business, majoring in "Logistics", together with the students of S.Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University, under the guidance of the English teacher, Bakasova Ayauly Kazhikarimovna, held an online debate in English on the topic: "Decent work and economic growth."

The students prepared their presentations, video material, tried to give the definition for "Economic growth" term, to outline goals and types of economic growth. They enumerated the factors of economic growth, the relationship between economic growth and the decent work, the decent work significance. The questions of the economic growth rate of the leading countries of the world on the example of South Korea showed the knowledge of students. In conclusion, the participants of the debate agreed that “Decent Work and Economic Growth” is an initiative aimed at supporting, encouraging and promoting paid work. A goal that aims at supporting sustainable and inclusive economic growth cane be realized through the opportunity to work at a fair wage.

Responsible for the event senior lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages Tleugabylova Z.A., Kulzhanbekova G.K., Khalenova A.R., Orazbekova I.G., Bekmasheva B.N.