A career guidance meeting was held with students of the secondary school named after Y. Altynsarin

17 february, 2023

On February 16, 2023, in the Abay village, Tyulkubas district, Turkestan region, Adil Yerezhepov, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Biotechnology of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held a meeting with students of the secondary school named after I.Altynsarin. Adil Yerezhepov is graduated from this school.  By the request of students, Adil Yerezhepov gave a lecture on the topic "Proteins, chemical composition and structure", supplementing the information of a school biology textbook.

During meeting students asked for additional information about departments and specialties at KazNU. In this regard, students were provided with detailed information about the university, booklets of the university and a video of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology.

After the meeting, the school administration thanked Adil Yerezhepov and solemnly awarded him a letter of appreciation on behalf of the school staff. 

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