First day of "Turkish Week -2023"Farabi University

First day of "Turkish Week -2023"

14 march, 2023

     Today was the first day of the traditional party "Turkish Week -2023" (from March 13 to March 17) organized by the Department of Turksoy of the Faculty of Oriental Studies. The dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies Yem Natalya Borisovna, the head of the department Turksoy Kenzhebek Tulepbergenovich Gabullin, teachers of the department, students of 1-2 year and other college students took part in the opening ceremony of the holiday. The honored guest of our evening was Mr. Serdar Çetinkaya.

     The opening ceremony began with the performance of the anthem of the two countries. Then it continued with a wonderful video about the Republic of Turkey.

     Tonight was dedicated to the adoption of the national anthem of Turkey and the memory of Mehmet Akif Ersoy, as well as March 18 - the day of memory of the victory of Canakkale and the martyrs. Also, all viewers were greatly impressed by the video about the recent earthquake on February 6, 2023 in Kahramanmarash, specially prepared by Aner Arlan, 2nd year student of the Oriental Studies specialty.

     2nd year student Asan Anar sang a song about "Canakkale", 1st year student Akbarzhanova Zubaydam read the poem "Bir Sevdadır Çanakkale". A short film about Mehmet Akif Ersoy, the author of the Turkish national anthem, was also shown.

At the end of the ceremony, students and guests were treated to the national dishes of the Turkish people, sweets, the famous Turkish bread, the Sarma dish.

    "Turkish Week" will continue with such programs as the day of Turkish cinema, the day of traditional Turkish art, the competition of Turkish poems. At the closing ceremony of the holiday, the results of the events held during the week will be summed up, and the students who won prizes and showed activity will be awarded.

Brief program of the Turkish week:

Day 1 - 13.03.23, at 11.00-14.00:

• Interviews with guests from the Turkish Embassy;

• Presentations about Turkey: Çanakkale Türküsü, poetry by Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Çanakkale Zaferi kısa filmi, M. Akif Ersoy kısa filmi, Birgemiz Videosu

• Announcement of the contest “Türkçe Şiir Okuma” between students.

Day 2 - 14.03.23, at 14.00 - Day of Turkish cinema: the film "Ayla"

Day 3 - 03/15/23. 14.00 - Geleneksel Türk Sanatları Günü

Day 4 - 03/16/23. 14.00 - Şiir Yarışması ve Türkçe Şarkılar

Day 5 - 03/17/23. 14.00:

• Türk Geleneklerinin Sergilenmesi (Kız İsteme, Türk Kahvesi, Gelin Alma, Kına Gecesi, Halaylar)

• Yarışma Sonuclarının İlanı

• Ödüllerin Verilmesi

• Kapanış Oturumu

We look forward to seeing you at our event!!


S. Koshumcu