The Students talked about National Values
13-20 March week was announced as the " National Education Week". The Faculty of Philology took an active part in this project aimed at popularizing the National Values of Kazakh People. During the week various events were held. One of them was conducted by the senior lecturer of A. Baitursynuly Department of Kazakh Linguistics of the Faculty of Philology, candidate of philological sciences, Kenzhetai Kurkebaev. On March 16, he held an demo lesson with the 3rd year students studying in the specialty: "6B02305 - Kazakh Philology" on the topic "Understanding quantity and measure concepts in the national worldview." During the demo lesson Kenzhetai Kurkebaev told about various data on length, distance, weight, volume and time measurement. The teacher and the students made On some of them, a comparative analysis was made to reveal the etymology. The philosophical and symbolic features of numbers were also discussed. At the end of the lesson, the students guessed proverbs, sayings and riddles using pictures. The students confirmed the knowledge gained at the lecture by answering the quiz questions.
This demo lesson, aimed at popularizing national values, has fully achieved its goal.
The organizers: Teachers of the Department of Kazakh Linguistics named after. A. Baitursynuly: A. Zhuzbaeva, S. Igilikova