Week of the Turkish language at "Turksoy" Department

19 march, 2023

     Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal. And how lucky we are that the week of the Turkish

language passed accompanied by a spring melody, wonderful mood and general revival!

The department "Turksoy" on a regular basis holds educational events, because it takes more

than just teaching students language patterns we can’t prepare a specialist without a language immersion. Only by observing and living the traditions and customs of the Turkish people, the heart gets overwhelmed with emotions, and Turkish motifs fly off the tongue.

From March 13 to March 18, the “Turksoy” department turned into a part of Turkey. Turkish

Language Week is an event that is filled with a variety of activities with different cultural content.

The program includes several stages that introduce guests and participants to the peculiarities

of the custom of the Turkish people. Traditionally, the ceremony opens to the sound of the national anthem and the greeting of the guests. Everyone is in anticipation of something miraculous, smiles, quiet whispers fill the hall.

Each day is dedicated to a specific event. The most long-awaited and memorable moments are the performance of readers and chants in Turkish. This year, a matchmaking ceremony has been added to the program! It was the episode of the program that won the hearts of the

audience. A colorful, sensual and emotional plot was superbly presented by the students of our department. Matchmaking in all its glory, with the traditional painting of the bride's hands with henna, sweets and drinks, cheered up everyone present and brought smiles to the faces of all those who were lucky enough to take part in this ceremony. For the bright and thoughtful presentation of one of the most beautiful traditions - the tradition of matchmaking, we express our gratitude to our teachers Selenai Koshumdzhu, Dulaeva Elnara Zulpikarovna and Iskhakova Meirim Malikovna. The participants and teachers responsible for the event, in their turn, thank the guests and visitors of the event. We consider it a great honor to host the Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies Em Natalia Borisovna at the Turkish Language Week this year. Certificates and letters of thanks were presented to guests and participants as a sign of appreciation!

The events held at the department "Turksoy" are always aimed at raising the spirit of students, at building a rapport between teachers of the department and students. Cultural and educational events held at the department are very popular among students throughout the university.

We want to express our gratitude to our proactive employees who are trying to qualitatively

diversify the learning process for our students, pursuing the goal of improving the quality of

educational services.

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