Leadership lecture by the Director of «ABT & E-trans Forwarding company»

17 march, 2023

On March 17, 2023 at 15:00 in auditorium 202, the Department of «Business-technologies» organized and conducted a leadership lecture for 3rd year students of the specialty «Logistics». The lecture was conducted by the director of the company «ABT & E-trans Forwarding company» Zhylkybek Temirlan Yerlanuly. During the lecture, Temirlan Yerlanuly explained to the students the activities and structure of the «ABT & E-trans Forwarding company», the procedure for the transportation of domestic and international cargo in Kazakhstan, the development of logistics in the Republic of Kazakhstan. He also highlighted the leadership skills and qualities needed by a logistics specialist. At the end of the lecture, students asked questions and expressed interest in their profession.


Organizers: Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor (docent), Head of the Department of «Business – technologies» Akhmetova Z.B., senior lecturer Chemirbaeva M.B., teacher Mussa K.A.