Representatives of the company «Total Eren» presented the work of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

29 march, 2023

    On March 17, representatives of «Total Eren» visited the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, where they got acquainted with the faculty's laboratories, data processing center and educational programs.


    TOTAL Eren is a French company, one of the leaders in the field of renewable energy in the world. The company's portfolio of implemented investment projects includes more than 2,400 MW of installed capacity for generating electricity from renewable energy sources, as well as more than 2,000 MW of capacity under development.

    The company's representatives were presented with the laboratories "Work Equipment", "Mechanics and Liquid Gases" of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics and "Installation of a cascade solar heat pump" in 131 rooms.

    Educational programs, internship programs for students, publications in scientific journals, topics of theses and dissertations of bachelors and masters were also discussed.