The presentation of the bibliographic index "Noursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev", devoting to the 20th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

14 february, 2012

On 10th of February, 2012 at KazNU university named after al-Farabi, under the direction of G.M.Musagalieva, director of the Scientific library has been held the presentation of the bibliographic index "Noursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev", which was devoted to the 20th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The professorsko-teaching staff, students of KazNU and the staff of the Scientific library participated on the presentation. Professor Omarbekov T.O., the head of the chair of the history of Kazakhstan, doctor of historical sciences opened the presentation with his report.

Whether there is such state which has been reached such level of development in 20 years, as Kazakhstan?! Historians give the negative answer. It seems that the our republic became the first in this statement. For 20th of the Independence of Kazakhstan, our country have been known around the world, the innovative initiatives proceeding from young republic, have forced to speak about Kazakhstan. The fruits of these initiatives are reaped by citizens of the country still for this day.

Only the refusal of nuclear weapon – unprecedented business in history!

The report of Zhumadilov A.K., the deputy dean on scientific-innovative work of the faculty of history was very interesting by the subject. Kazakhstan today - is the most stable and dynamically developing country not only on the post-Soviet territory, but also on the central part of Asia. Kazakhstan can pass a way of changes without shocks and bloodsheds, having used the blessing, what that others have put for reasons of bloody conflicts – multinational and different variety structure of confessions of people. Here, live in peace and work together: Kazakhs, Russian, Koreans and hundred thousand of other nations of people.

That means, that they have the main aim in life, and there are all possibilities, including independence, to move to this purpose.

The well-known journalist Kudajbergen Tyrsin, has underlined in his report that the N.A.Nazarbayev’s book - is the important documentary source addressed, first, to scientific, pedagogical and educational persons, and also to all who is interested in problems of political development of the country.

On the presentation of the biobibliographic index of "N.A.Nazarbayev" participated also the staff of the Scientific library, Skatova A.Z., the head of the Department of «Reference- bibliographic department» and Bigalieva S.U.

The big extensive exhibition «Нурсултан Назарбаев - тәуелсіз мемлекетін қалаушы» ( “Noursultan Nazarbayev – the creator of the Independence of the state”) have been made by Zhylkajdarova S.S., the head of the sector of the department of public works.