International Round Table Conference on the topic: Clean water, sanitation, affordable and clean energy are necessary conditions for human race existence

30 march, 2023

On March 30, 2023 the senior lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages, Makhmetova D.M., Muldagalieva A.A., Gumarova Sh.B., Lugovskaya E.I., Issabayeva B.K., Zhirenshina K.A., Nessipbayeva Z. S. together with Associate Professor, Nazhipkyzy Meruert (Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology) and Nurmukhanova Alfiya, candidate of technical sciences held the International Round Table Conference on the topic: Clean water, sanitation, affordable and clean energy are necessary conditions for human race existence.  The event participants were the 1st master’s degree and bachelor’s degree students of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology and the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The foreign keynote speakers were a young researcher, Yağmur Bengisu Güngör (Eskişehir Technical University, Chemical Engineering Department, Turkey, scientific supervisor, Prof. Esin Apaydin Varol),   a teacher of physics and robotics, Igor Vladimirovich Trunov ( Public Secondary School 73, Moscow, Russia), master’s degree student, Maria Igorevna Trunova ( Scientific and Research University: "Higher School of Economics", Bachelor of Economics, Russia, Moscow). The round table conference was held online on the ZOOM platform in English, Russian and German.

    This scientific event began with words of welcome by Makhmetova D.M., the senior teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages, this event moderator. Following the welcoming part, the speakers started to present their reports. Each of the speakers shared their scientific results and ideas in the field of green energy, water purification and conservation of water resources in Kazakhstan and all over the world. 

          The international speakers’ reports are worthy of special attention as well.   Mr. Igor Trunov told about his unusual project-work method in physics and robotics lessons using the LEGO constructor. Miss Yağmur Bengisu Güngör made an interesting presentation about an eco-friendly approach to cleaning sea water polluted by oil spills using hydrophobic-oleophilic biocarbon material.


         The speakers were asked questions, which they gladly answered. This event ended with a video presentation on the topic: “What can we do to provide all people with access to clean water?” prepared by the first-year bachelor’s degree student of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of Al-Farabi KazNU, Kudabay Gulnaz together with the bachelor’s degree students from the foreign universities: Gaukhar Bissengaliyeva (Burdur Mehmet Akif Esroy University, Turkey), Gaukhar Zhakimova ( University of Milan, Italy) and Zhanar Kairova (Simon Fraser University, Canada).

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