Leadership Lecture

7 april, 2023

On April 10, 2023, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University will host a leadership lecture by Manap Zarina Kenzhebekovna, founder and director of the International Company MK-Global logistic, author of practical courses «Specialist in transport logistics» and «Subtleties of international and multimodal transportation» on the topic «Experience and requirements of employers in the field of transport logistics» for students of Higher schools of economics and business.

During this significant event, the issues of training competitive specialists in demand on the labor market in the field of logistics, career and professional growth opportunities, leadership qualities necessary for a person to achieve heights in career and life will be discussed.

The organizers of this event are the head of the Department of «Business Technology» Akhmetova Z.B., advisors Baymukhanbetova E.E., Abdikul Sh.N., Malikova R.M., as well as doctoral students Tazhiev R.O. and Tazhieva Zh.N. We invite everyone!