the International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Farabi Alemi”

8 april, 2023

On April 6-8, 2023, the International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Farabi Alemi” was heldThe meeting of the first section of the department "Economics" was held on the topic: "Economy of new Kazakhstan: analysis of the development model"

66 articles were submitted for the first sectionof which 18 reports were heard, 17 students, 1 undergraduate of the specialty"Economics". Of the total number of articles, 45 articles fromundergraduate students, 19 articles from master students and 2 articles from doctoral students were accepted.

I degree diploma – Auez Asel Mukhtarkhanovna. Human capital as a factor in the development of the information society..Scientific adviser – Аndabayeva G.K.

Diploma of the II degree – Lis Valeria VasilyevnaThe study of factors affecting the financial literacy of students. Scientific adviser – Nurgazy Sh.A.

Diploma of the II degree – Kuanyshbekova Anelya Bauyrzhanovna, Utegenova Aliya Maksutovna. Digital technologies in the system of ensuring economic security. Scientific supervisor – Kondybaeva S.K., Ilyashova G.K.

Diploma of the III degree – Usen Anel Adilhankyzy. The trend of development of the labor market of KazakhstanScientific adviser – Ilyashova G.K.

Diploma of the III degree – Shakirbekova Ayazhan MukhtarkyzyPossibilities of using digital technologies in strategic planning and forecasting of the company's development potential. Scientific supervisor - Turarov D.R.

Diploma of the III degree – Aitnazarov Temur MakhmutovichThe system of project management in the activities of enterprises. Scientific supervisor – Nurmanova B.Z.

. In addition, in the following nominations were awarded:

1. For the scale of the research topic – Akylbekova D.A. The main directions of reducing direct costs in the national economy. Scientific supervisor - Andabayeva G.K.

2. For the innovativeness of the report – Bisengalieva A.M. The impact of digitalization on the business sector of Kazakhstan: trends and prospects. Scientific supervisor - Boluspaev Sh.A.

3. For the applied nature of the research topic – Bakyt B.B. New economic policy: problems and priorities. Scientific supervisor - Beisembayev Zh.T.

4. For the high research level – Satylkhan B. А. Foreign experience of investment activity and its USE in the regions of Kazakhstan.Scientific adviser – Baitanayeva B.A.

5. For the relevance of the research topic – Zhomartuly Bekezhan. Mechanisms of implementation of digitalization of the economy of Kazakhstan. Scientific supervisor - Kuliyev I. U.

6. For a creative approach to the disclosure of the content of the topic – Boranbayeva Zh. Relationships between the independence of central banks, declared goals and price stability in the economy. Scientific adviser – Mukhamediev B.M.

7. The best speaker is Nurymkhan Bashira. The current state and directions of development of small and medium-sized businesses of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific supervisor - Erezhepova A.A.