The conference “Farabi Alemi” was summed up

9 april, 2023

On April 6-7, 2023, the International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Farabi Alemi” was held. The meeting of the second section«The future role of the generation of zoomers in the managerial modernization of the Kazakhstan economy» was organized by the ManagementDepartment.

For the second section 103 papers were submitted. Among these, 15 papers are from undergraduatestudents (of which 10 are foreign), 8 papers are from master students (of which 1 is foreign), 1 paper is fromdoctoral student (foreign). Participants study on the EPs "State and local government", "Management", "Innovation Management", "Project Management", "Business Administration".

Diplomas of I, II, III degrees were awarded to undergraduates, master students, and doctoral students made the best reports:

Diploma of the 1st degree - Serikakhmetova Aiym Berikkyzy on report “Implementation of corporate social responsibility in the context of ESG: world practice. Scientific adviser - Adambekova A.A.

Diploma II degree - Abdul Rahman Basharat on report “Comparative analysis of remote working and office working. Scientific adviser - Kantarbayeva A.K.

Diploma of II degree - Nguyen Victoria Khanievna on report “Zoomers as the next generation of managers. Scientific adviser - Makunina I.V.

Diploma of III degree - Usen Samal Bakytzhankyzy on report “Managing the financial stability of an enterprise: what is the importance of managing financial stability to prevent bankruptcy?”.Scientific adviser - Kunanbayeva D.A.

Diploma of the III degree - Bazhaeva Dilnaz Asetovna, Osmanova Karina Ravshanovna on report Higher education in the post-pandemic period. Scientific adviser - Sokira T.S.

Diploma of III degree - Grigoryan Armen Ervinovich on report Awareness of the buzzer generation about the sphere of investment. Scientific adviser - Taszharganov S.I.

In addition, the following nominations were awarded:

1. For the best report - Korzinina Valeria Vladimirovna for presentation Zoomers out of the office: the impact of coworking on the economy of the state. Scientific adviser - Makunina I.V.

2. For the relevance of the research topic - Jiang Dekun for presentation Cross-border e-commerce empowers enterprises to internationalize. Scientific adviser - Kantarbayeva A.K.

3. For an innovative approach - Diana Vladimirovna Smurygina, Maria Vyacheslavovna Salenik for presentation Digitalization is a management trend in modern business. Scientific adviser - Badikova T.A.

4. For creative orientation - Khusurov Nurshat Nurmakhametovich for presentation Advantages of electronic public procurement in Kazakhstan. Scientific adviser - Belgibaeva Zh.Zh.

5. For the practical applicability of the research topic - Yuldashev Zhandos Kambaradin ugli for presentation A method of forming a fruit processing cluster in the Southern Economic District. Scientific adviser - Abraliev O.A.

6. For a high level of research - Abdiev Dilshodzhon Olimzhon ugli for presentation Modern trends in increasing the role of information technology in business. Scientific adviser - Radjabova G.U.

7. For the scale of the research topic - Akramov Mirzakosim Bakhtiyorjonugli for presentationImproving production efficiency in the context of the transition to the digital economy. Scientific adviser -Kurbanov M.U.

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