The conference “Farabi Alemi” was summed up

10 april, 2023

On April 6-7, 2023, the International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Farabi Alemi" was held. The meeting of the first section of the Department of "Business Technologies" was held on the topic: "Business technologies in the new economic policy: the main drivers and prospects of development".

104 articles were submitted to the first section, of which 17 reports were heard. Nominations and diplomas of I, II, III degrees were awarded to students and undergraduates who made the best reports:


Following the results of the second section members of the commission recommend to award:


Diploma of the I degree – Koshetaev D.S. Adaptation of freight forwarding services in a crisis. Scientific supervisor: Akhmetova Z.B.

Diploma of the II degree – Yerzhankyzy A. The impact of digitalization on the economy of Kazakhstan in the management system of the transport and logistics complex. Scientific supervisor: Baymukhanbetova E.E.

With a diploma of the II degree – Ganikyzy A., MyrzagalievaE., Zhambyl B. Zhasyl logistikada digital technologiyalardy paidalanudyn ekologiyalyk tiimdiligi. Scientific supervisor: Chemirbaeva M.B.

Diploma of the III degree – Ualikhan A. Retailda satyp alu kyzmetindegi tauar kolemin zhyldyk zhosparlau adistemesi. Supervisor: Akhmetkalieva S.K.

With a diploma of the III degree – Tobakabylova I. B. The role of marketing in the introduction of green logistics at a retail enterprise in Kazakhstan. Scientific supervisor: Kozhamkulova Zh.T.

Diploma of the III degree – Maratkyzy D. Assessment of economic risks in logistics operations in Kazakhstan with the introduction of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. Scientific supervisor: Adilova N. J.



Best docteller (for the best report) – Sinitsa D. N. outsourcing of logistics functions: efficiency and risk. Scientific supervisor: Baimukhanbetova E. E.

For the scalability of research - (for the scalability of the research topic) Orynbasarov G. I. improvement and implementation of logistics management methods at the Enterprise. Scientific supervisor: Shurenov N. B

For innovation (for innovation) - Zhaxigulova Z., ZhapalbayA. Impact of digital transformation on business processes and customer experience. Scientific director: Yerimpasheva A.T.,

The formation and development of logistics strategies in retail-trade organizations of Kazakhstan – Nurlanova A. Scientific supervisor: Adilova N. D.

For higher research level (for higher research level ) – Sabikenova A. Current state and development of wheat production and logistics in the republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific director: Umarov I. M.

Relevance of the topic of research (for the relevance of the research topic) - Khalel G. N. technology for improving the quality of education at the University. Scientific supervisor: B. K. Kazbekov

For creative training to expand the theme of education (for creative inclinations) – Eltai A., Rakhatova A. the role of the internet in the post-Soviet period. Scientific supervisor: Yerimpasheva A.


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