DEBATE ON THE TOPIC: "Quality Education"

15 april, 2023

On April 15, 2023, within the framework of the sustainable development program, the 1st year students of the Higher School of Economics and Business, studying on specialty "Economics", together with the students of Tabas Azad University, under the guidance of the English teacher, Bekmasheva Botakoz Nygmetovna, held an online debate in English on the topic: "Quality Education”.

The students prepared their presentations, video materials, tried to give the definition for "Quality Education" term and to outline its goals.

Students had a discussion on the importance of the education. They also supported all children’s rights for qualitative education and talked about the importance of education quality. They came to the conclusion that good quality education is one that can make all learners economically productive who will be able to provide sustainable life level for all people, peace in society and rise individual well-being.


Responsible teachers for the event senior lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages, Tleugabylova Z.A., Kulzhanbekova G.K., Khalenova A.R., Orazbekova I.G., Bekmasheva B.N.

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