On March 6, the next extended meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty was held. Chairman of the Academic Council, Dean of the Faculty Suatai Sabit Kurmanzhanovich reviewed the work done and planned on the plan of the agenda in the Majilis.In accordance with the plan of the Academic Council of Al-Farabi KazNU, the members of the Academic Council discussed in detail the preparation for the scientific conference of students and young scientists "Al-Farabi alemi" of the current academic year and a number of educational events. In his speech, the dean of the faculty, Suatai S. K., noted that for the successful implementation of the above works, the development and development of the faculty, each ongoing activity pays special attention to work. During the meeting, the Chairman of the Academic Council assigned special assignments to the heads of structures, and at the next meeting of the Academic Council, it was instructed to report on the work that would be carried out in accordance with the development plan of the faculty.In addition, the teaching staff of the teaching staff was awarded a special letter of thanks by the dean.