2 may, 2023

On April 28, 2023 an international round table on "World Labor Day" was held at the organization of the Head of pedagogical practice of the Department of Sustainable Development of UNESCO Kozhakhan A.K.

The event was attended by teachers and students, the main specialists in the field of labor protection at production facilities, as well as special guests from France and Azerbaijan in the online format.

The round table was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Development.

The theme of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2023 was announced as "Safe and healthy working environment - a basic principle and right in the field of labor."

The moderator of the event Kozhakhan A.K. noted the importance of the event and presented a congratulatory speech to Acting Dean of the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management Aktymbaeva Aliya Sagynikovna.

Then the students of the 1st year of master's degree took over the event.

Bolat Aigerim, Tulegenov Alisher, Inkar Orazgalieva made a short report on the topic in three languages, introduced the invited guests. They are: Dolgaleva Elena Sergeevna - Executive director of "KazPromEducation" LLP, Isataeva Aidana Kenzhegalevna - engineer of labor protection, technical safety and industrial safety of the central office of "Helios" LLP, Begimbetov Timur - head of the department of labor protection, industrial safety and environmental services, Maimakov Arman Tauzhanuly - head of the department of labor protection and occupational and civil protection KazNU, Nabiullin Zhaysang Zhasulanuly - chief specialist of the department of civil protection, labor protection and safety KazNU, Kassymbekov Dastan Nurlanuly - environmental protection, Obrillant Damus is a professor at Haiti State University and assistant professor at Sherbrooke University.

The guests who participated in the roundtable shared their experiences. In a video address, Obrillant Damus spoke about paid work and the impact of work on a person, its benefits, and the place of work in society. Guests were given special gifts and certificates.

Yesenov Kulet shared his experience of working at the TCO production site and made an impressive presentation.

Akylbek Altyn made a presentation on "Augmented Reality in Occupational Safety and Health".

Bolat Aigerim introduced new specialties related to environmental protection and life safety.

In order to assess the theoretical knowledge of bachelors 1, 2 and 3 courses participating in the event, 3 student volunteers sitting in the hall were invited to participate in a specially prepared game "nests.

The games were organized to put on a gas mask for a while. Three volunteer boys were invited to the center. The winners were awarded special diplomas.


In the game Nests: 1st place - Mynzhsov Daulet, 2nd place - Amangaliyev Abdirasul, 3rd place - Sagyn Chingis.

Gas mask on time: 1st place - Mynzhsov Daulet, 2nd place - Mendybaev Ramazan, 3rd place - Tasbek Asylzhan.

Daulet Mambetaliev, Seyit Gulsara, Sarsekenova Nurai actively participated in the organization of the event and contributed to its high success.

Summing up the round table, the head of the "UNESCO Sustainable Development" department Bazarbaeva Tursynkul Amangeldyovna noted that the event was organized at a very high level. He emphasized that the event has become a tradition in the department for several years and will continue next year.

At the end of the event, all participants were thanked and invited to a coffee break.

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