Job fair

3 may, 2012

Today in the Palace of students of U.A.Dzholdasbekov opening of fair of vacancies on which bench sessions and vacancies more than 50 largest companies of Kazakhstan were presented took place.

The ample opportunities were presented to students of university, graduates of 2012 to familiarize with proposals of employers, to submit the summary, to pass interview and to receive consultations of such companies, as: "GSM Kazakhstan", NAK "Kazatomprom", FNB "Samruk-Kazyna", «Karachaganak Petrolium Opereyting B. Century», «KPMG», «Almaty Coca-Cola of Bottlers», «Astana Motors», JSC Home Credit Bank, «ATF bank», "Tem_rbank", "Banktsentrcredit", JSC Eurasian Bank, JSC Zhilstroysberbank, «The Kazakhstan mortgage company», Philippe Morris Kazakhstan LLP, «Galaksi group», «Regional financial center of Almaty», public institutions, research institutes, etc.

«The main indicator of any higher education institution is the demand of graduates on a labor market. Fair of vacancies is organized to help them to orient and find good work», - the rector TREASURY academician Galym Mutanov told in a welcoming speech. He thanked the companies for participation in action and Karachaganak Petrolium Opereyting B. Century», «KPMG», FNB "Samruk-Kazyna" and JSC Eurasian Bank which actively involve students TREASURY on practice and work handed over letters of thanks to representatives «.

Among employers it was possible to meet and graduates of university. For example, Asfendiyar Kushenov who has graduated from the Higher school of economy and business in 2011 today works as the manager of Department of corporate development of JSC Fond razvitiya predprinimatelstva Damu. Now he invites students to work. «We distributed more than 300 information sheets about our campaign, received many summary, surely them we will consider and we will invite applicants for interview. It is sure that graduates of native higher education institution, will fill up our collective», - he noted. In total at fair more than 3000 students and graduates took part.

Within action passed presentations of the companies, programs of a magistracy and PhD of doctoral studies, training in foreign higher education institutions, and also a master class «Successful creation of career in the professional sphere» and training of «Technology of passing of interview». The student's business incubator presented image production «Souvenir bench» with a logo TREASURY. Interestingly there took place auction of souvenirs of handwork of students, an exhibition of manuals and materials in English, draw of lottery tickets (free training in leading companies of Kazakhstan and a set of other prizes).

Career Center