14 april, 2023

The twentieth century is the century of power engineering development. All achievements reached by humanity at this historical phase of technological development - huge successes in technical progress, simplification of physical labor, automation of new means of communication, and manufacturing processes are based on the use of electrical energy.

The rate of consumption of energy resources for power generation is constantly increasing with the development of technology. The total world consumption of primary energy resources has increased more than 10 times in the twentieth century, which leads to the need for energy conservation, because in the future, the wasteful use of energy resources may lead to a shortage of energy and energy resources. In this regard, the economical and rational use of energy resources has priority in all countries of the world, so special attention is paid to energy conservation.

Energy conservation is the most important task of saving energy and preserving natural resources. The energy-saving industry already has a strong influence on the energy policy of developed countries.

The use of the most efficient consumer devices, the introduction of new economical lamps, automation devices, and other energy-saving measures are usually cheaper and faster than increasing capacity through the construction of new power plants. Saving fuel and energy resources is especially important in industries that are their largest consumers.

To improve energy efficiency, scientists at Al-Farabi KazNU are conducting studies. One of them is supercapacitors. Supercapacitors are electricity storage devices that charge and discharge faster than conventional batteries and capacitors and have more charge-discharge cycles. By using nanomaterials, supercapacitors, being lightweight, small,l and powerful, can be used in all types of mobile devices, including electric vehicles. Although the battery charge of a new smartphone initially reaches the full sun, it decreases over time by half a day or even a few hours within 1-2 years. This is because conventional batteries start to lose capacity after 1000-2000 charge-discharge cycles. And supercapacitors work efficiently for a long time without losing their capacity.

Scientists of Al-Farabi KazNU, Faculty of Physics and Technology, Department of "Plasma physics, Nanotechnology and Computer physics" are working in the direction of energy saving and energy efficiency. One of them is a new model of energy-saving lamp, modernizing the technology of manufacturing an economical lamp. The result of this work was the creation of a new version of gas-discharge energy-saving lamps based on nanotechnology with an increase in the illumination intensity of the gas-discharge lamp plasma.

The lamps made by the university scientists still use amalgam (only 7 percent amalgam of Hg combined with other metals) instead of pure Hg, which has negative effects on human health. There is currently a demand for these lamps from educational institutions and government agencies. Installing this economical discharge lamp is much more beneficial to consumers because since most of these organizations have discharge lamps installed, it is costly to replace another lamp.

Saving energy and using it efficiently is a matter for each of us. We will start with saving energy and its efficient consumption.

Abdieva Sholpan Asetbekovna

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