Rector of KazNU takes part in the symposium "China – Central Asia" in Beijing

30 july, 2023

A symposium "China – Central Asia" was held in Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China, which was organized by the China International Center for Development Knowledge. The symposium was attended by heads and representatives of banks, universities, research institutions, analytical centers from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, China.

Chairman of the Management Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev made a welcoming speech at the opening. In 2015, at a meeting of the UN General Assembly with the participation of 160 heads of state, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted, which will allow overcoming poverty and making the world community more sustainable over the next 15 years. Within the framework of the UN program, the Chinese Center for International Knowledge on Development is doing a lot of work and is an important dialogue platform for the exchange of ideas related to global development.

Expressing gratitude for the invitation, the Rector of KazNU stressed that the symposium brought together like-minded people for an open exchange of views on cooperation in the field of knowledge between China and Central Asia. "The Republic of Kazakhstan, as one of the key active participants in the integration processes of Central Asia, has its own history and a clear prospect of cooperation with China in the field of science and higher education. In 2015, Xi'an Jiaotong University initiated the creation of the Silk Road University Alliance within the framework of the "One Belt, One Road" project. Its activities are aimed at ensuring openness and international cooperation in the field of higher education. According to the consulate, 15 thousand students of Kazakhstan study in China. Such statistics indicate the positive dynamics of cooperation between universities of the two countries," said Rector Zh. Tuimebayev. – The Symposium is a logical continuation and implementation of the decisions adopted in May 2023 at the highest level – the Summit of China and the five Central Asian countries. The Xi'an Declaration signed by the heads of state reflects the decision of the countries and the determination to unite their efforts for sustainable development."

It should be noted that KazNU has agreements on cooperation with 50 universities of the People's Republic of China. In 2023, the university signed an agreement with Xi'an Northwestern Polytechnic University to open a branch of SSZPU at KazNU. They also signed: an agreement with the Chinese Petroleum University on establishing cooperation, a letter of agreement on the joint establishment of a Chinese-Kazakh joint Laboratory of Remote Sensing Technologies and their applications with the Institute of Geography and Ecology of the XUAR, a letter of cooperation with the Beijing University of Oil and Gas, a memorandum of Understanding with Shenzhen University.

Today, 400 students from China study at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The Department of Sinology functions at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, where Sinologists are trained at three levels of the training system. There are five Confucius institutes operating in Kazakhstan, one of them was opened to the Treasury as a result of long-term cooperation with Lanzhou University. KazNU, being a member of the Coordinating Committee of the Alliance of Universities of the New Silk Road, together with Beijing, Hong Kong and Xi'an Universities, conducts international summer schools.

Director of the Development Research Center under the State Council of the People's Republic of China, Director of the Chinese International Development Knowledge Center Lu Hao, Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic Anukaly Dosaliev also delivered a speech at the international event.

Panel sessions were held within the framework of the conference, where participants exchanged views and made their suggestions.

Al-Farabi KazNU Press Service

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