2 may, 2023

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was opened in 1934. During this period, it had 94 students and 25 teachers. In 1993, the university was named after Abunasyr al-Farabi, a scientist and second teacher. This university is currently the pride of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a leading institution of higher education. Time shows that every year the number of applicants wishing to study at this university is increasing.

The university has many faculties in the field of natural sciences, let's focus on these faculties: The Faculty of Biology is one of the first faculties created since the opening of KazGU in 1934. It consists of 4 departments: biodiversity and bioresources, biotechnology, molecular biology and genetics, biophysics and biomedicine, as well as a bioclinic and agrobio station.

The Faculty of Physics and Technology is the center of a modern physics and technology cluster. The number of scientific and technical projects is constantly growing at the faculty, new modernly equipped laboratories are being created.

Faculty of Geography and Nature Management. At the faculty, in cooperation with Columbia University (New York, USA), Lisbon Polytechnic University (Portugal), the International University of Nature, Society and Man "Dubna" (Russia) and other foreign universities, the only international UNESCO Chair among the CIS countries was created " on sustainable development".

The Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare is an educational, scientific, methodological, expert-consulting, consultative-diagnostic and international platform. The main activity is the training of specialists needed in the field of healthcare in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

The Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics was founded in 1934. The faculty trains specialists in mathematics and mechanics.

Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. The faculty prepares bachelors in 3 specialties, masters and doctors of science in 8 specialties.

The Faculty of Information Technology was opened on January 15, 2018. Kazakhstan has adopted the Digital Kazakhstan program, the main leitmotif of which is the use and development of information technologies in all spheres of life. To train specialists in this field, the Faculty has opened the Department of Artificial Intelligence and BigData.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University - according to research agencies Quac-quarelli Symonds (QS, UK), Thomson Reuters (USA), ranked 165th in the world ranking of the best universities in the world-class university index, on the recommendation of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon it is the first university in Central Asia among the best universities in the world to be accepted into the United Nations Academic Impact Program. Such indicators give us every right to say that KazNU is a unique, leading institution of higher education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and we are proud of it.

Lecturers of KazNU named after Al-Farabi Usenbekova A.E., Bekalay N.K., Nurmakhanova A.S.

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