Creating a positive educational environment

21 january, 2023



This event is organized within the framework of the State Policy in the field of Higher Education and science, in order to support young people and foster patriotic spirit.

1. The concept of social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030:

2. National projects of the Republic of Kazakhstan (10 national projects).

3. The Charter of the University and the development program of the NAO "Al-Farabi Kazakh National University" for 2022-2026.  The participants pledged to show respect for the elders and dignity to the younger ones, express politeness in communicating in a public environment, strive for the image of a highly cultured student and treat each other carefully, avoiding the use of profanity. The purpose of the event was to create an attractive and harmonious learning atmosphere, where each participant takes care of himself and others, contributing to the overall development and mutual understanding in the student community.